Torched wooden bowl by 6x4
Torched wooden bowl by 6x4
Torched wooden bowl by 6x4_Stephen Park.
Made in Christchurch, New Zealand.
_ Dimensions
Height ~ 16.5cm
Diameter bowl ~ 21cm
Diameter base ~ 13.5cm
_ Bio: 6x4 is the body of work by Stephen Park. It is the expression of the aesthetic universe this Park wants to create and inhabit. Manifest into physical reality from the realm of ideas and intention through the making of simple functional objects, the philosophy of this universe is written in the visual and material attributes of the objects. For Park, this philosophy can be likened to the uncovering of an ancient buried city, exposed to them by each act of creation. Our humanness is reflected in our objects and garments; to make tools and objects is an act that defines our species. The way we live with each other and with the earth is reflected in these artefacts of our survival, society and culture. These objects represent a way of living.